The Priory Church of


Founded 1123 AD

This Church is a must see for any and all who are interested in old or historical buildings, let alone Churches. The difficulty for me here is not what to put in but what to leave out. Hence I have made two pages for the place, One of the outside, where you are now and one for the inside. Remember the pictures are the clickable links.
It is situated in Little Britain and sides Cloth Fair on one side and the Queen Elizabeth II Wing of Bart's Hospital on the other. With which it shares a garden area.


The 12th Century Church was fitted with a weather shielding outer walls in the 19th century, although some of the 12 century masonry still is exposed. These views are taken from the Q.E.II building.

Visit other Churches

The tower, to compliment the clock, the date was 20 August 1999

Visit St Katharine Cree

Down to the fine porch

Visit St James, Clerkenwell

Another view from a slightly different angle. Cloth Fair is just showing at the far side.

Visit the Guild Church of St Andrew, Holborn

The Cloth Fair aspect.

Visit the St Edmund, King and Martyr, Lombard Street

The west or rear from Cloth Fair.
Note that the Church is much lower than the road, presumably due to the rise of the road elevation over the years.

Now come inside

The entrance from Little Britain, ready for your visit

Visit Bart's Hospital

On leaving you will pass under this arched building,
which is only about a hundred years later than the church

Visit Smithfield

Any comments can be directed to me, by clicking here:-
Keith J. (Boiler Bill) Chesworth

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