St Edmund the King and Martyr

Lombard Street EC1

A little church nestling in the middle of Lombard Street, quite dwarfed by the cathedrals to finance surrounding it. Considering the money about it, the state inside does not suggest that much of that money is rubbing off. However, quite nice, almost cozy, with a very fancy pulpit.

look about other churches

The spire from the roof of the Royal Bank of Scotland building

back out to the city

Street view of the spire

carry on around Lombard Street

Coming in you are faced by the Altar

skip to the Tower of London

backed by quite a splendid window

skip to the Nat West Tower

The Organ

leave by underground

Leaving we see quite an impressive door pediment mounted with more of the Organ pipes

To look at the Bank of England

And have a last look up the building before we are on our way

Back to the beginning of your tour

Any comments can be directed to me:-
Keith J. (Boiler Bill) Chesworth