Clerkenwell St. James' Church

A strange mix is this. From the ground it appears to be just another Brick built Church, unremarkable, and I must admit to having passed and ignored it many times.
When I was taking pictures from the top of the Sessions house, I could not place the white Portland stone steeple in my mind, so I investigated and found this. A quite splendid steeple on an otherwise unremarkable base. The structure dates from 1792 and incorporates a very nice window and Organ.

Go to the sessions house

The steeple of St James' Church from the roof of the Sessions House

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The steeple from ground level

Go to St Katharine Cree

The entrance

The window

The window - use to go back outside


The Organ

The Ceiling

The rather nice, if a bit grubby 'Wedgwood style' ceiling

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Any comments can be directed to me:-
Keith J. (Boiler Bill) Chesworth